No, there is no error in my title. I was leaving some clues in my previous posts and here I am, back in Mallorca.
With the birth of my first son, Leo
My wife and I decided that the best thing for his first years of life would be this warmer climate and lifestyle. It has not been an easy decision, since the values that English people have and their language are virtues that we really want for him, and we will endeavor to educate him in the best possible way to approach those.
Infinitely grateful to my company that, showing my effort, flying very frequently and with the new trends of remote working, I have been able to find a perfect balance between life, family and work.
In 2018 I published my second book “ SHINE ”
A mixture of personal self-help book and professional development to take any of us to think and progress a little beyond our present, capitulated in 40 practical tips and in an easy-to-read format. A book written during the pregnancy of Ester, and in which I tried to compile the main tips that I would like to tell my newborn to enable him to start from a more advantaged position that I did, with a different perspective of life and with clear values. Also edited and published on English .
I will be honest. The day that Leo was born was not the happiest day of my life, because it was basically a day when I was exhausted (not to mention his mother), but it is every day that he grows older instead. See him growing up, laughing, being so affectionate with his parents … it’s spectacular.
And as you all will read in SHINE (or I hope so), the birth of a child means the continuity of our history, a new link in the chain that will try to improve the world for the following ones. For the first time I felt a new sensation of ‘complete’, of “Leo is my legacy”. But shortly after I switched to father mode I had another very strong thought in my head: “now I want to see you grow, protect you, help you, love you … every day”.
Discovering more places
Impressed with the cities I visited for work: Dubai and Bangalore. With the first I was fascinated by how man has built on nothingness, on the desert, and what a tremendous contrast when flying to India. If I could balance both economies, one city would live much better, and the other wouldn’t notice it.
Learning a couple of things
I was one of those who got informed and read books about the blockchain, one of those who bought bits of bitcoins when they were low and advised others to buy. I had already read about the real estate bubble in the past, but until you go through one for yourself, you do not learn. Now looking back I see clear signs that it was cool to enter </ strong> in the bitcoin, but I did not know how to get out. </ Strong> Personal note: when the hairdresser, your cousins, the bartender and all the news talk about an investment, it’s when you should be out!
I also launched a car rearview mirror to see your baby while driving in the safest position, but after selling all the units that I imported from China (510) I decided not to carry on (at least for now), since I only managed to match the investment. A very interesting experience though.
Have you noticed?
That my tone in this letter is much more relaxed than the previous ones?
That I even mention mistakes I made this year in order to learn from them?
Could it be because I have returned to the magnetic island and I have reduced the pace that I spoke about in the first letter? With calm, peace, sun and friends … or will it be that I am a father now!?
We’ll see, but I have big plans for 2019. Do not disconnect from your TV… sorry, mobile phones.a