People just realize they progress when something is left back

— BR

How to make money online

Here I will explain some techniques to monetize your content online, whether it is a website, a blog or photos. Also, some other considerations that you will have to care about for a long term sucess and to understand that everything you do and work on represents your brand. Continue Reading...

Digital interrupts are just that.

— Nicholas Bate

Don’t worry about how we spend the money, just focus on how we can generate it

— Sergio Ambrosi

Letter from London 3 years later

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We get used to everything Each annual letter I write I find it harder to find the difference or novelty. To be honest, I don´t feel that much the excitement and surprise of discovering things and meet more and more people. London is my home and I feel thoroughly mixed with ...

Everything will happen very quickly if you accelerate it properly

— Bernat Riera